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Stem Cells For Aging And Other Benefits It Does Provide

There are two unique characteristics that stem cells have, which makes it ideal for treatment or therapy for growing number of conditions and diseases. First of all, they have the capability of creating or renewing more cells of the same type and secondly, they could mature into specialized cells that are suitable to carry specific function like muscle, bone or skin.


Currently, aside from curing several health conditions like neurodegenerative ailments, heart diseases as well as diabetes every passing year, there are more and more conditions and diseases being identified to be treated using stem cells. The truth is, there are clinical trials that are currently in progress to treat spinal cord injury, stroke and blindness using these cells. Sooner or later, this could lead to medical revolution. Get tips and helpful information from the Jeunesse website.


For almost 60 years, bone marrow transplant has become the most common type of stem cell therapy; with this, it can be a painful, prolonged and most of all, expensive process. Not like in blood stem cells, it is derived from umbilical cord and at the same time, safer and less costly to use for treatment. Blood cells are also proven to provide great potential in treating diseases of the immune system and blood as is evident from thousands of cases in which children have been cured successfully from leukemia. The possibility for regenerating tissue lead to treatments of injuries and diseases to the skin, bone, surface of the eye through implanting or grafting tissues.


Not like other drugs that don't dissolve in the body, stem cells are completely different as they're living cells. They can grow and oftentimes, react in the most unpredictable ways for the time they stay in the patient's body. With this being said, these kinds of treatments have to be specific for every needs of patients. It is vitally important as well to understand that various stem cells come from various parts of the body and is meant for specific treatments.


As for any patients who are considering to undergo this treatment, it will be ideal to be curious and not to shy away from getting assurance of scientific evidence that demonstrates clearly the effectiveness and safety of the said treatment. The patient in addition has to make a decision that is in favor of stem cell treatment prove whether the cells to be used for the upcoming treatment are pure or mixed. Patients who have stem cells might come from umbilical cord blood, embryos, foetal tissue or bone marrow or fat. Click here to read more.

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